Welcome to Your New Personal Savior

You have to pick your target schools, find awesome monologues, and songs, deal with applications, take big tests, write amazing essays, go on tours... and then of course you have the ACTUAL AUDITION swirling around in your brain.

You have worked so hard throughout high school, it would be a shame to miss out on your dream school because you didn't give your very best to the college audition and application process.

Join this program to:

  • Do everything humanly possible while still in High School to set you up for success
    Clarify your unique list of target schools 
  • Nail the perfect audition material Make miracles happen with "The Miracle Mindset" 
  • Get super organized (like really) and free yourself up for the fun stuff 
  • Become your character when you rehearse like a pro 
  • Eliminate your fears of Shakespeare 
  • Bang out awesome essays ~ study like a Wizard ~ soar through tests 
  • Beam with confidence in your interviews 
  • Build a strong network of support 
  • Navigate financial aid options 
  • Become a stronger actor, singer + overall performer 
  • Enjoy the process of masterminding your future