
Voice Over Actor

Few words about Voicemeister

Voicemeister is a professional male Voice Over Actor. Voicemeister is a native English speaker, but he also speaks communicative Spanish. Voicemeister is interested in voiceover projects.

About Voicemeister

Voicemeister is a professional male Voice Over Actor. Voicemeister is a native English speaker, but he also speaks communicative Spanish. Voicemeister is interested in voiceover projects.


"Solid State". I can go from a deep, smooth sounding voice to a young, hip, gen x sound. I've got a good authoritative voice for narration. And I've got a good DJ type voice as well. I can do some kooky character voices if need be. I also speak Spanish with a slight American accent. I'd be happy to submit a complimentary audition. Rate quotes are reasonable. Please e-mail me.

Voice Over Actor
About Voicemeister

"Solid State". I can go from a deep, smooth sounding voice to a young, hip, gen x sound. I've got a good authoritative voice for narration. And I've got a good DJ type voice as well. I can do some kooky character voices if need be. I also speak Spanish with a slight American accent. I'd be happy to submit a complimentary audition. Rate quotes are reasonable. Please e-mail me.

Ethnicity: Hispanic, Caucasian
Contact Information:  
E: scottmontiel@yahoo.com   |  W: voicemeister.www.webforactors.com


Voice Over Actor

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