Rod Yazbek

Rod Yazbek

Actor from São Paulo, Brazil

Few words about Rod

Rod Yazbek is a professional male Actor from São Paulo, Brazil. Rod is interested in film, theater, commercial and television projects and is currently available for work in São Paulo.

About Rod

Rod Yazbek is a professional male Actor from São Paulo, Brazil. Rod is interested in film, theater, commercial and television projects and is currently available for work in São Paulo.


Rod Yazbek is a professional male Actor from São Paulo, Brazil. Rod is interested in film, theater, commercial and television projects and is currently available for work in São Paulo.
Rod Yazbek
Rod Yazbek
Actor from São Paulo, Brazil
About Rod

Rod Yazbek is a professional male Actor from São Paulo, Brazil. Rod is interested in film, theater, commercial and television projects and is currently available for work in São Paulo.

From: São Paulo, Brazil
Age: 28
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Contact Information:  
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Rod Yazbek

Rod Yazbek

Actor from São Paulo, Brazil

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