Alex Nightman

Alex Nightman


Few words about Alex

Alex Nightman is a professional male Actor with 24 years of professional experience. He is known for his work in CSI: NY, The A-Team & Moonlight

About Alex

Alex Nightman is a professional male Actor with 24 years of professional experience. He is known for his work in CSI: NY, The A-Team & Moonlight


Alex Nightman was born in Chicago, IL. he had moved around with his family to St. Louis, then Honolulu and finally settled in Southern California. As a child he always wanted to entertain and had a passion for acting. While living in Southern California he trained as an actor and his love for film grew stronger. Alex Nightman has appeared in numerous independent films, student projects, spec commercials and featured work on feature films and television shows such as; The A-Team, An American Carol, CSI: NY, Moonlight, The Closer, 24, The True Story of Charlie Wilson, Shark, Melrose Place and more.
Alex Nightman
Alex Nightman
About Alex

Alex Nightman was born in Chicago, IL. he had moved around with his family to St. Louis, then Honolulu and finally settled in Southern California. As a child he always wanted to entertain and had a passion for acting. While living in Southern California he trained as an actor and his love for film grew stronger. Alex Nightman has appeared in numerous independent films, student projects, spec commercials and featured work on feature films and television shows such as; The A-Team, An American Carol, CSI: NY, Moonlight, The Closer, 24, The True Story of Charlie Wilson, Shark, Melrose Place and more.

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Alex Nightman

Alex Nightman


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